Manage PostgreSQL on a single user interface

Although Open Source databases have advantage of cost savings over corporate databases, they also have disadvantages in terms of scalability, manageability, security and enterprise support. ManageUS is designed to overcome these disadvantages to support the customers that targeting open source transformation.

ManageUS aims to provide the following PostgreSQL operations from a single platform.

  •  Database Management
  • High Availability (Load Balancing)
  • Backup and Restore Operations
  • Database Performance Monitoring and Troubleshooting
  • Alarm Management and Infrastructure Monitoring
  • Migration
  • SQL Editor

Database Management

PostgreSQL database administrators can manage the system’s parametric infrastructure and perform all the database-specific operations you can do on the command line with a visual interface.

High Availability (Load Balancing)

The module contains all the steps to be followed during the installation phase of active-passive database clusters. You can easily add and remove new servers to the database clusters with Patroni, HAProxy and ETCD for load balancing purposes within the module.

Backup and Restore Operations

You can easily manage backup and restore operations, that are critical for database systems, from a single user interface on this module.

Database Performance Monitoring and Troubleshooting

You can perform operations such as obtaining database-specific performance reports, monitoring activities of active users in the database, identifying slow queries with SQL query optimization and managing table index structures.

Alarm Management and Infrastructure Monitoring

You can monitor the server and database logs and customize your own dashboards for alarms.


You can manage operations for migration from Oracle, MySQL and MSSQL Server databases to the PostgreSQL database through this module.

SQL Editor

You can perform database query operations, store your sql queries locally or on the server and export the results as reports in different formats.